2/3/2024 Email

As we conclude Catholic Schools Week – the 50th annual, in fact – I am reflecting on the
teachers and staff that give it their all at our schools. I know it isn’t easy, and I know I couldn’t
do it.
Those of us who work in the Pastoral Center in Richmond are usually treated to a concert or two
by school choirs during Catholic Schools Week. This year, three schools performed for Bishop
Knestout, sitting in the front row, and many of his staff who came down to watch – Christ the
King from Norfolk, and All Saints and Benedictine from Richmond. The students sang their
hearts out, and it was hard to take your eyes off them. But I did, and I watched the music
teachers. They were invested and enthusiastic, and you could see how hard they had worked to
pull these performances together. I can imagine that during the practices leading up to the
concerts, they employed patience along with their talent and subject matter expertise.
Over the past couple of weeks, my husband and I have had several communications with my
son’s teachers – also very patient people and trying to do right by him. A missed assignment
here, an “unsuccessful” test there – if we put a positive spin on it, there is upside potential, room
for growth, a peak not yet reached. Hooray! We had constructive talks with Sam, and we came
up with a plan to finish 7th grade strong.
So, a couple of days ago when my husband asked if I had seen yet another progress report, math
this time, I said, geez, what now? And Jerry responded, no! It’s actually good! And bless Mr. C’s
heart, it sure was. He wanted to recognize Sam for his recent hard work and focus in math class,
which had resulted in a perfect score on his last test. He ended by saying, keep up the hard work,
Sam!!! (He really put three exclamation marks!)
I have more than a sneaking suspicion that Mr. C knew of the struggles Sam is having in other
subjects. Whether he knew or not, his encouraging words have put a little pep in our step.
God Bless,
Margaret Keightley
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond