Act Justly…and a Picture of Moose

As I have mentioned before, each week anywhere from a handful to several dozen of you write back to me. Moose’s emails garner the greatest response (of course,) but a consistent theme is that you enjoy hearing about my travels across our expansive Diocese.

I, too, enjoy getting out of the office, and I’m happy to tell you that I will be hitting the road again next week as the 2025 Annual Diocesan Appeal sets into motion. Hopefully, something newsworthy will come of my trip!

Summer before last, I shared the story of my journey to the farthest outpost of the Diocese, Holy Spirit in Jonesville. One of the lay leaders I met with named Linda gave me a mug that I drink my tea from every Sunday morning. It says ActJustly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. The full verse from Micah 6:8:

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

I know I need this reminder, and thanks to Linda, I have it with tea every week.

God Bless,


Margaret Keightley
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond

P.S. I have a feeling that I’m not the only one who needs a pick-me-up during this cold and dark January, so if this describes you, here’s a picture of Moose that might help.