Recharging Batteries

With all the electronics in my life, I am constantly checking how much charge I have left on my batteries. For example, when the bar on my cell phone turns red, I get nervous and immediately look for my charger to plug in. (Sometimes I can’t find my charger because my son took mine because he couldn’t find his, and I get annoyed. I’m sure that has never happened to anyone else.)

Anyway, I digress. What I really want to say today is that my mind and body have a battery, too, and when I finally got home on Friday after a jam-packed week, I didn’t have any charge left to write an email to you. I went from the car to the sofa, and there I stayed until it was time for bed. The result – a Sunday delivery of my Saturday message!

Don’t take this as a complaint. Being busy in December at the Catholic Community Foundation is a very good thing. Your generosity is a true blessing and makes an impact in our parishes, schools, and ministries across the Diocese. Over the past week, we were extra blessed with dozens of faithful parishioners and priests sharing the gifts of their time and talents with us in a strategic planning process to make the CCF better and stronger, and in the coming months I will share more about that with you.

For now, I am recharging. The bar will be back up to 100% well before Monday, but until then I will switch my battery setting to “low power mode” to conserve energy.

Whatever mode you find yourself in, I hope you continue to have a Blessed Advent.

God Bless,


Margaret Keightley
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond