Margaret’s Weekly Emails- Refreshed Demo

Margaret’s Weekly Email

As we begin the reflective and blessed season of Lent, I know you will join me in continuing to pray for Pope Francis. Although he was unable to participate in Ash Wednesday services, it was reassuring to hear his voice in an audio message on Thursday.

Here in the Diocese of Richmond, the first weekend in Lent also marks the time when priests speak about the Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) during Mass and invite parishioners to make a gift. Most of you have already received a letter from Bishop Knestout, but for those who are not on our mailing list or who may be new to the Church, this is an opportunity to learn about the ministries supported by the ADA and lend your support.

To quote my colleague Alex Previtera, who oversees the ADA:

The Annual Appeal helps fund cornerstone ministries of the Diocese of Richmond that one parish cannot support alone. For instance, one parish could not support the room, board, and tuition assistance needs of our seminarians, supply over half a million dollars to parish foodbanks and Catholic organizations across our Diocese or provide for diocesan-wide next generation evangelization and formation initiatives. The importance of the Annual Appeal to the life and ministry of our Catholic Church cannot be overstated. The faithful support of the Appeal by so many enables our Diocese to more effectively meet the urgent annual needs of the Church which serve as building blocks to grow the Church’s impact for years to come.

I couldn’t have said it better myself!

Some of you have already made your gift to the 2025 ADA, some of you are discerning, and some of you might decide to fill out a pledge card at Mass this weekend. For those of you reading this and saying, hmmm, wouldn’t it be nice if Margaret included a link so I can just do this online, here you go:

For my part, I will be landing in Madrid, Spain, on Sunday morning with my husband and son. Moose is comfortably settled in Hanover for the week with his second family who always take great care of him while we are away. Consequently, you won’t be getting an email from me or Moose next week, but we will both be refreshed upon our return!

God Bless,


Margaret Keightley
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond

***Archived Weekly Emails***

September 2024
9/6/2024: Time for Work (for Cristo Rey Richmond)