Margaret’s Weekly Emails- Refreshed Demo

Margaret’s Weekly Email

As I write, youth from across the Diocese are traveling to the Greater Richmond Convention Center for the annual Diocesan Youth Conference. The Office of Evangelization expects 930 youth in grades 8-12 to participate in the weekend’s activities, which include sacraments, breakout sessions, free time, and a service project for Rise Against Hunger. A special choir will be assembled with members from across the Diocese, and they will sing at Sunday Mass.

The theme of this year is Complete, based primarily on Philippians 2:2 (“complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love, united in heart, thinking one thing.”)

The College Summit will also begin in Richmond tomorrow, at the same place, but with different programming. Five hundred and twenty students are expected to attend. The Summit will last 24 hours and entail worship, breakout sessions, and talks by two nationally known Catholic keynote speakers. And of course, our own Bishop Knestout will present as well (at both events.)

You can read about both conferences here:

These concurrent events are just two examples of the impact of your donations to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. Both the Diocesan Youth Conference and the College Summit receive funding from the ADA to offset the cost of attending, which makes the weekends very affordable and accessible to most who want to participate.

Robust programs like these for youth and campus ministry are key to nurturing the Catholic faith in our young people, and in some cases, they plant a seed to explore becoming a Catholic priest.

Thank you for supporting both events through your generosity to the Annual Diocesan Appeal!

God Bless,


Margaret Keightley
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond

P.S. Bishop Knestout sent out a letter with more information about the ADA this week

***Archived Weekly Emails***

September 2024
9/6/2024: Time for Work (for Cristo Rey Richmond)