2025 Annual Diocesan Appeal


Sharing His Love with Others – 

Bishop Barry C. Knestout

A Letter from Bishop Barry C. Knestout

Following the Year of Prayer in 2024, our Diocese is proud to be joining with other Dioceses across the world in celebration of the 2025 Jubilee of Hope. When our Holy Father announced the Jubilee, he said “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision.”

Hope for the future is something I think about often. Whenever I visit our parishes, I see how our faith and hope is manifested through Mass attendance, reception of the sacraments, Eucharistic devotion, and a commitment to grow closer to Christ. I also see our faith and hope expressed through works of charity such as the Annual Diocesan Appeal.

As faithful stewards of God’s grace, we share what we have received. In this way, we answer the call to Share His Love with Others. Your gifts to the Appeal support the education of seminarians and priests who are dedicating their lives to serving Christ and his Church; assist college students to grow in their faith and relationship with the Lord; and ensure that vital resources are made available for children and families facing homelessness and hunger.

During this time of Jubilee in the life of our Church, I ask you to consider contributing to the Appeal so we can spread love and hope for all the world as we empower the people and ministries of the Diocese of Richmond to move our Church forward.

Thank you again for sharing what you have received, and may God grant you every grace and blessing.
2025 Case for Support